Oil In Bread Dough - Yes or No?

Should you put oil in bread dough? What does it do for the bread? What happens if you miss it out? This article addresses the question of oil, or fat, in bread, so you don't make the mistake I made.

Oil is commonly included in bread recipes. I'm pretty sure my mum used to routinely add a slosh to her dough mixture when I was young (did you mum?!).

When I first started to make bread, I often baked loaves that were dry and crumbly. I imagined that I needed to add something to my dough - something to make it richer, softer and silkier. One of the things that I imagined would work was oil.

I thought that for a smooth, elastic texture, I would add a few big glugs of olive oil.

It didn't work.

What Does Oil Do For Your Dough?

French baguette doesn't last. Obviously, that's because it is so delicious. If you do happen to leave some, it goes obstinately hard overnight. French bread is made without fat. This is the reason for both its airy texture* and its tendency to dry out. French baguette is the oft-cited example for why oil is helpful in bread dough. Oil, so I'm told, helps the bread to stay softer for longer.
*More on that in a moment.

Well, I'm not so sure. My bread is made without oil and it certainly doesn't dry out overnight. I can keep it for several days without it going dry and stale. My bread isn't baguette-shaped thought, it's usually a loaf.

Perhaps baguette, like bread-rolls, goes stale quicker than loaves due to its higher surface-area-to-volume ratio.

So, I'm a little undecided about the preserving effects of oil in bread, but that's the reason most often given for including it.

There's Something Else You Need To Know

The presence of oil in bread alters its texture.

Oils and fats are 'shortening' agents. It wasn't until I started my deep exploration into the ways of yeast and gluten that I really appreciated what 'shortening' might mean.

In order to achieve the required spongy texture, two things need to happen. One is that the yeast has to ferment, producing bubbles of carbon dioxide gas. The other is that the gluten in the flour has to absorb water and form long strands, that criss-cross into a kind of lattice to hold the aforementioned bubbles of gas in the dough.

Long strands, you see? Fats and oils interfere with this process, causing the gluten to form only shorter strands, making it less able to trap the gas, leading to a more crumbly texture.

So, for a spongy, open texture you want lengthening, not shortening. Fat definitely won't help.

So How Do You Get The Smooth, Elastic Texture?

To achieve the best possible texture for your bread, work with a flour that is 'strong' (high in protein). Combine it with the correct proportions of yeast, water and salt (see the Formula for Great Dough), and ensure that it is sufficiently kneaded.

Once I had been on a bread-making course and developed my Master Method, I saw dramatic improvements in the texture and appearance of my bread. It was nothing to do with oil and there was no missing ingredient.

It's simpler than I had first thought and it's my mission to help you achieve great results too. Let me know how it's going!

There's More...

You can have Fresh Bread In 20 Minutes when you download my handy guide.

For a screen-friendly, concise version of my growing recipe collection, download The Recipes here.

To learn more about baking better looking bread, get my Bake Beautiful Bread tutorial package here.

As ever, do get in touch to let me know if you have any questions.


  1. Interesting. I will try it without fat next time and see. This lot is a no rise experiment!
    J x

    1. Ooh I'd like to know how you get on with the lack of rising

    2. If you wonder why your bread comes out like a concrete block, it is because these recipes tell you to use salt. Salt deactivates the yeast. Use sugar instead. https://www.foodtoimpress.com/bread/does-salt-kill-yeast/

    3. Well... 'Unknown' you are right: salt does deactivate the yeast. A small amount of salt in the dough will control the rise. You don't want the yeast to work too enthusiastically, or your dough can over-inflate and collapse. Maybe. It's all very subtle and I don't fully understand it. What I do know is that my bread does not come out like a concrete block(!). Sugar can't really be used 'instead' of salt. I think refined sugar should be avoided, and bread works fine without sugar: https://www.freshly-baked.co.uk/2012/09/why-use-sugar-in-bread-dough.html. I only use a little salt in my bread dough but I've tried without and you can get away without it too: https://www.freshly-baked.co.uk/2014/07/salt-in-bread-is-it-really-necessary.html. It's an interesting 'art' with many ways to succeed :)

    4. Mrs P and Unknown are both correct. Salt inhibits yeast activity and sugar promotes it. It is all in the proportions and when the salt or sugar is added. This is why baking is so much fun. It' like a chemistry experiment!

    5. I've made one or two loaves of bread without salt, because I forgot to add it. The end result can hardly be called "bread" -- even just that modicum of salt that was missing substantially reduced the "depth" of the flavor (similar to how the right amount of salt adds a third dimension to food that otherwise tastes "flat").

  2. Yes Rachel, we did - and still do add a "slosh of oil" invariably virgin olive oil these days. What really is appearing to make a lovely texture is the inclusion of puréed vegetables for the liquid measure! These have usually been oven roasted in olive oil too. Currently we are adding a good sprinkle of chili powder which imparts a background warmth - and often a handful of sesame seeds for nuttiness. Fun!

    6 August 2014 11:16

    1. Very tasty! I have yet to try adding chili but I do love sesame seeds. I expect the fibre of the vegatables helps to retain moisture in the dough??

    2. Putting the sesame seeds IN the dough stops all that wastage likely to occur when they are sprinkled on the top. By the way, none of our chili / veg flavoured dough is unduly "savoury" and can still be used with sweet spreads. I remember an earlier post of yours stating that you have to add a very great deal of flavour to make much difference to the bread!

    3. Ah yes, good tip. Because seeds do fall off all over the place when supposedly stuck to the top!

  3. I have been making Bread very successfully for more than 40 years.
    French bread is made with Soft wheat which is why it is needs baking twice per day. Adding butter of olive oil adds flavour and moistness to bread.
    In my early years I did make bread without oil or fat, there was no difference to the risen quality of the dough but the baked bread was definitely less moist.
    If I was to use your water recommendation I would need 945 ml for 1.5 kg of strong flour, (2 parts wholemeal, 1 part white.) Also I usually add more bran and various ground seeds, even then from experience I know this would be excessive, giving a very loose slack dough.
    Bread making is so easy I cannot imagine how anyone can get it wrong.

    1. I will be over 100 years old - and don't think I'll be baking any more.......

    2. I won't be *quite* that old ;) and I plan to still be baking. I love these comments - thanks - you've kept me amused!

    3. We'll only be able to do that for another thirty years or so!

  4. I find I can now make a good 'clean' dough that I can knead without flour or oil on the work surface, so long as I get the hydration right. I'll be interested to hear your conclusions.

  5. Sounds lovely, thanks for sharing! I'll have to check later because I'm on the wrong computer right now(!)

  6. PS Yes! It's there! Looks super :)

  7. Hi Rachel, greetings from Malaysia. As a diabetic, I started baking my own healthy bread (wholemeal). I use a breadmaker and just followed the recipe that came with it that suggests a blob of butter. What would you recommend if you're using a breadmaker? ~Janet~

    1. Hello Janet, I've never used a breadmaker so I can't speak from experience but I guess you could miss out the blob of butter if you prefer not to have it. A blob doesn't sound very much: I don't suppose it matters much either way. Hope it goes well!

    2. Janet, did you ever try it without butter or oil? I have a breadmaker and I add 3 tbsp sunflower oil as per the wholemeal bread recipe and I'm wondering if I can miss it out?

  8. I have used a bread maker in the past but now bake by hand. I use olive oil instead of butter. Use slightly less olive oil than butter; if the recipe calls for 50g butter I use 40ml of olive oil, for example. Makes no difference to the baking and the bread is just as good.

  9. I want to add the taste of sesame to my bread. I already mix the seeds in with my dough, and that's fine. I make a great crusty harvest loaf. What I want is for the aroma of the sesame to come through. I'm thinking that brushing with sesame oil after the loaf is finished, then popping it in the oven for a couple of minutes should do what I want without softening my crust. Your thoughts?

    1. That sounds delicious! I have never tried brushing with oil after baking and then returning it to the oven. I think it is worth a try!

  10. I have a bread machine and make my husbands rolls for work each week and freeze them. Today I forgot to put the oil in the dough. I didn't realise I'd forgotten until they were all cooked and put together in the freezer. Now I'm wondering when we defrost to eat them. Will they be any good.. I hope so as it's his lunch! Might have to try one before I send him off with them..

    1. I think they'll be fine. They might have a different texture to what you're used to but they'll be perfectly lovely for his packed lunch :o)

  11. Well most people get bricks with a bread machine. I'm not surprised - the recipes mostly say 2 tbps of vegetable oil. The popular bombproof bread machine recipe uses 4 tbps and makes for a lot better texture. Personally I'm now using 6 tbps . . .


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