
How To Weigh Tiny Amounts Of Yeast When Your Scales Aren't Sensitive Enough

yeast for bread making
Tiny amounts of yeast are difficult to weigh. If a recipe requires 5g, or even 2.5g of yeast, your scales might not be up to it. Mine aren't. But there is a way.

My scales, even my posh new digital ones, are a bit clumsy when it comes to weighing yeast.

As I carefully sprinkle the yeast into the bowl it says.... nothing.

Nothing, nothing, nothing. Then suddenly, 8g.

Argh! That's far too much - especially if I'm trying to make a s l o w overnight dough.

I get round the problem, often, by doubling up the ingredients to make two or four loaves at once. I can easily measure 10g or 20g of yeast. But what if you're new to all this and you're experimenting with one loaf at a time?

I've done a little work to ascertain how much yeast you need, despite what those pesky scales might tell you.

It's very simple.

For dried yeast:

One heaped teaspoonful = 5g


Just add one heaped teaspoonful of yeast per loaf and, even if your scale is insisting that you have added nothing at all, you're fine.

And 2.5g? Just half a teaspoon. You know what, it's not even that crucial, so just give it your best guess at an approximation of half a teaspoon.

I worked this out using Fermipan but it works with other brands of dried yeast too. Don't forget, if you have fresh yeast, you need to use double the amount. There's a guide to using different types of yeast here.

See, I like to keep things easy :o)

Need an easy bread recipe?

And if you're in a hurry, try this.


  1. I'm learning so much from you. Thank you for all your hard work and for your trial and errors, and formulas for us to follow behind after you! The more tabs I click in your website, the more excited about making my own bread I become. Thank you again. Blessings!

    1. Thank you Kate. It's really lovely to have your encouragement. I really enjoy finding ways to make bread-making more successful and easier. I've learnt a lot in the past couple of years and I love to think that I can share these discoveries and help others who want to bake bread too. I'm very grateful to everyone who has left kind comments, given feedback, asked questions, 'liked' and shared links and generally interacted so that what was once a lonely blogging experience has become something that I know is valuable to people. So, thank you for your kind words xx

  2. I still can't understand how to measure fresh yeast. you say 1 tsp per loaf? but fresh wet yeast is different
    I don't have a scale and even if I did I can't find anyone to tell me how much, do you crumble it and then measure 1 1/4 tsp just like t he dried? Pleas hurry my fresh yeast is weeks old now.

    1. Try this: I think the info you seek is here :)

  3. If you're baking bread regularly, electronic scales for small weights to an accuracy to ±0.1gm. are easily and cheaply available
