
Get An Easy Recipe

bake your own bread
You'd like to bake your own bread. I know.

You've tried before and it didn't go well. It seems like a lot of time and effort to waste if the results aren't going to be good.

Professional bakers often use fancy ingredients and special techniques. It's easy to be put off by this.

Don't be.

The truth is that anyone can bake their own bread.

You don't need any expensive equipment. You don't need to worry about technique and expertise. You don't even need to spend loads of time.

You can start today and fit bread-making into your day.

If you start right now, you can be eating freshly baked bread in 20 minutes.

I am the mummy of three under fives. I bake my own bread, as my mum did when I was little.

My recipes are simple. I cut out unnecessary* faffing about and get the job done.

*Yes, unnecessary! It seems to me that some bread-baking experts have far too much time on their hands. Take kneading, for example. Some people profess to knead for up to an hour! Imagine!

So, for a brisk and business like approach to getting the family bread baked. I suggest you start with one of my basic recipes and adapt it to make a variety of delicious loaves and rolls (although I call them buns!)

I've put together this collection of easy recipes to help you get started.

Start Baking Your Own Bread

Awesome Everyday Loaf
If you only use one bread recipe, let it be this one. It's simple, flexible and easily adapted to make lots of different types of bread.

Soft Rolls
Quick, easy bread rolls to impress those unexpected lunch guests.

Pizza Base
An easy-peasy pizza base that works well with any topping of your choice. Ideal for a delicious family meal.

Rosemary and Sea Salt Focaccia
Mouthwatering (and ever so simple) Italian bread for a freshly baked lunchtime treat.

Want More?

Search the recipe archive for more inspiration to increase your bread repertoire and please note that my recipes are now available as easy-to-use recipe cards so you don't have to scroll with doughy fingers.

Innovate and create

My recipes can easily be adapted, so you can get creative and bake the perfect bread for any occasion.

You could use different types of flour or add different flavourings. You could mix with water or decide to use milk. You could add an egg or some yoghurt. The possibilities are endless.

It works best if you know what you're aiming for: what makes a great dough? Which ingredients are essential and what can be left out?

To give you confidence with the basic recipe, check out my series on Baking Delicious Bread which will help you to refine your technique and find the freedom to create your own recipes.

Don't Miss Out

Click here to download your guide to Fresh Bread In 20 Minutes, so you can get started straight away.


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